My results from AIPP and what I have learnt...

| Saturday, July 11, 2009

So, we were in Sydney for the AIPP conference and awards last month, and, now that ive had a little time to reflect and absorb, Im a tad more objective about the experience.

I entered 4 prints into the Wedding Open category...





Now....I think they are GREAT, all my clients think they are GREAT, my family and friends think they are GREAT, my fellow colleagues think they are GREAT, My husband thinks they are SUPERCALLFRAGALISTICEXPIALLADOSHUS (or maybe thats just what he thinks about me)....but the 5 judges they encountered didnt :(

My super cool pic of the FOB got the highest score of 78, which, while not getting a 'proper award' still scored me 1/2 a point in the race for associate member. I forgot about that fact as i tore shreds off myself for being a terrible photographer LOL

I watched 2 of my prints being judged, and after they were dismissed in less than 60 seconds as "Excellent photographic technique but not of award standards - next print please!" I had a private hissy fit and stormed out of the room and didn't want to watch the others, which in retrospect is probably a tad silly, as someone MAY have said something nice about my work.

The biggest things I have learnt about this experience are

1) There needs to be a 3rd category in the APPA's - "Non overly photoshopped Wedding Images that aren't classified photo journalistic" (bit of a mouthfull there)
2) The opinion of 5 people should NOT define my entire career or existence on this planet
3) The opinion of 5 people should NOT define my entire career or existence on this planet - is such an important lesson it requires mentioning twice
4) The opinion of my loved ones and my supremely happy clients mean far far far far far more than anyone elses.


5) Hey I got a Bronze!! I Dont think that anyone at the Olympics would be upset about THAT! and the lowest score I got was 76 - so thats still an "A" :)


3 Fabulous Comments!:

Brandi said...

Well I think they're all super rad. You have more guts than I do, I have yet to even aspire to enter a contest. So I say, cookies for you!

Sonja N said...

Clare these photos are amazing! I love that last one. Good on you for entering and your scores were excellent!

David Akesson said...

great that you are bold enough to make yourself vulnerable about your experience.
And yep,... I like your photos too.

But I think your experience this year will stand yourself in good stead to have another go next year. Competitions are always tough. And subjective. The judges look at heaps of entries and for such a brief time. You, as the creator of the entry, have lived and breathed those entries.

Enjoy the competitiveness of AIPP awards. But as you said, don't let the results, even if you take off a 1st or 2nd, define who you are and what your work stands for. That arena is reserved for your home territory. Your clients love you. And they are why you do photography. Because you make a difference in their lives.

You go for it.
David Akesson.