What is Love?

| Wednesday, February 11, 2009

With Valentines Day approaching at the spate of a million knots, i stopped to wonder what love really is.

I'm surrounded by love, and couples in love, and images of people in love, every single day. I have to admit on a day to day basis I barely notice it anymore. Ive become maybe a tad cynical at the overly Hallmarked cheesiness of 'Love' ESPECIALLY with the bright red loveherated stand of cards in every shop you pass.

Is Love a massive bunch of Red Roses? is Love a gigantic Teddy Bear? Is love a very expensive dinner at a fancy restaurant, or even a diamond ring?

No. To me Love is the little things. The things that don't cost any, or very little, money. Love is a look, a touch, a phone call to say your thinking about someone. Love is getting all your old clothes and TV sets and sending them over to Victoria. Love is spending an hour in Red Cross donating Blood. Love is making your wife Shaped Toast every morning for breakfast.

This was this mornings effort..Teddy Toast!! I Love You John. XXOO

Love is the special vows you read to your loved ones at your wedding ceremony. Its ever more special when your other half hasn't heard them yet, like my next wedding Carole and Drew. not only did Drew cry, EVERYONE cried...even me. But then I do cry at almost every wedding ceremony though...but don't tell anyone I'm a big wuss alright!

Love comes from the HEART, not from the wallet, so this valentines day, perhaps think about giving what you were going to spend on your significant other to Red Cross, and simply giving your honey a HUG and a hand written note. Believe me, it will be worth far more in the long run.

2 Fabulous Comments!:

Anonymous said...

you have a TOAST ARTIST in your family!! nice one! hehe really sweet post. I don't think i can handle too much more news of deaths and homes lost in Victoria, every news broadcast brings tears to my eyes!! sad sad times.
Hope you have a great V Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Thats so sweet! The the toast teddy!