
| Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Its a craze taking America...and now Australia by storm!! We all sneak around to other photographers Blogs and check out their work! I discovered a few peoples blogs by chance the other weekend and its taken a hold of me like you wouldn't believe :)

I have now decided I want to go live in America :) They just held a HUGE photography convention in VEGAS and I WANNA GO!!! My future hubby said I can go to the 2010 one...but that's ageeees away! I know we have a mini version here once a year, its usually over maybe i should just go and see what the fuss is about...but they always do things bigger in USA. I believe you need to be a member of the AIPP, which is my winter job...must join...

Ive also discovered this amazing Photographer in the US who is holding a free online photography school! [b]ecker (yes just one name much like Madonna or Cher...) is a hugely talented and renown photographer in California, and he has been showing little snippets of info on his [b]school Blog every day for the past couple of months! The man is a gem, and i cant get over how much wonderful info he is giving away! You can pay HUNDREDS of bucks for this kind of mentoring, and this guy is being a champ to the max. His way of thinking, is 'A Rising Tide Raises All Ships', which in other words is...if we all get gooder, the industry gets gooder as a whole :) (never said English was my best quality!)

right, enough babbling form me, back to grinding the slave stone.

1 Fabulous Comments!:

mike and kyles said...

hey clare - bugger off with 2010 - we are going in 2009!!!! come on you can convince John...put off your honeymoon until then and we will have a blast!
isnt it incredible how the US photogs share everything? something to be said for pay it forward...
pixel magix x