Shannon and Brett, Engagement Portrait

| Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It was perfect photo weather on Sunday, overcast but no chance of rain, nice cool breeze, but not windy or hot, just the sort of day i love.


We headed off to the park with their gorgeous dog Porsha, who looks kinda scary but is a total sweetheart. She was a little more interested in checking out the park than having photos though...


I love getting natural laughter, it makes for the best images. If people are feeling maybe a little nervous about having their photo taken a good belly laugh makes everyone feel at ease. I got Brett to whisper sweet nothings in Shannons ear..apparently he was going "whisper whisper whisper...." LOL



Porsha found the soggy dogs have to be dried off before the trip home! Thanks guys for a lovely afternoon, will be seeing you in less than a month!!


1 Fabulous Comments!:

Anonymous said...

Love the black and whites!