Oh my What A Weekend!! - And we have 2 Winners :)

| Monday, March 9, 2009

Ive just survived the dusk Bridal Fair! HOORAY!!!

It was a fabulous weekend to be sure. I met with hundreds of Brides, Grooms, Bridesmaids, Mothers of the Regular and In-Law varieties...and plenty of new friends!

Here was my booth


- please excuse the baby-cam photos, i think i need a new Point and Shoot digital....

My trusty Husband/Assistant weaved his magical interior design abilities and made my "Theatrical" draped backdrop i was after. I always have wonderful ideas, but then have no idea how to produce said wonderful ideas!


He is also great at fixing slideshows that JUST WONT WORK!


We held a draw for a Free Portrait Session as part of my Bridal Fair special, and we must have received close to 500 entries! I have decided that instead of just ONE winner, we will have two! one for Saturday and one for Sunday.

(drum roll please....)

The winners are Nicole from Cooloongup, and Lisa and Mathew from Applecross! Congratulations!! Your vouchers are winging their way to you as I type....

To all the lovely people who enquired about our packages and prices, I'm working my way though 300 odd enquiries (which as you can imagine takes a little time...:)) But feel free to drop me an email if you think you email may have gone missing in cyberspace, as they sometimes do.

Thanks again for making the Expo so enjoyable and such a success!!!

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