10 Random things about MOI!

| Friday, July 4, 2008

I have a confession to make... I am an Internet JUNKIE!

I am addicted to online Forums and Blog Stalking.....

My current favorite is OSP, an international Professional Photographer forum. Its so great to read all about other studios, how they work, get answers to issues we all have, and even help out a little myself. I get to chat to photographers all over the world and besot of all we get to show off our stuff and get a little ego boost or two along the way :lol:

The current 'Fun Thing' to do is to blog 10 random things about ourselves, that people might not know... So here is MINE!

1) there is 85 days till my wedding!

2) my favorite colour is purple...although i don't think that is something people don't know, as my colour theme is purple, my house is very purpleish and my poor fiance has to live in a very purple world.

3) I have lived in every state in Australia (minus NT and ACT, but they don't count as they are territories...and Tas, and that doesn't count because its too small :lol: Joke)

4) My favorite place in the world is The Lake District in England, or anywhere John-Boy is (awww can we throw up now i hear you say...)

5) I love anything 80's (except the fashion)

6) I can quote ALL of The Breakfast Club and The Princess Bride, and most of Star Wars :)

7) I will quite happily read the same book 100 times if its good enough, and i generally read so fast i get to a page and go "I don't remember this bit!' even though I've read it 10 times before.

8) I wanted to be a Movie Star when I was younger, and even applied to NIDA and WAPPA...but they didn't want me...BOOHOO!!

9) I did get the year 12 Drama Prize though!!

10) But I was voted Most Likely to become a Game Show Hostess in the yearbook.... Oh the SHAME!

Anyone want to share something random about themselves??

6 Fabulous Comments!:

Anonymous said...

I can totally quote The Princess Bride too! Fun facts!

Anonymous said...

Although it wasn't in your top ten...I think I need an intervention for the internet and blogs! I can't stop looking!

Anonymous said...

I majored in theatre... But I did't make it as a movie star either! sigh

Brandi said...

I am also addicted to forums and blogs, I can barely keep up with them!

Congrats on your wedding, I love purple, I wish I had been to Australia, but I'll get there someday, and I LOOOOOOOVE the 80's!! 80's music especially!

And.. Princess Bride is the WIN! I can quote pretty much every line.. :) I love Wesley hehe.

Amanda Bowler at White Tulip Photography said...

another Princess Bride and 80s music fan...

What is this saying about us all?

Clare Day said...

I think it says we are all OLD and had too much time on our hands while teenagers.....