I feel so Speshul!

| Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I do all my proof books through MomentoPro, which is the professional section of Momento. They are such a fabulous way to show off your digital photos. Once upon a time we all used film and had hundreds of photo albums for every occasion. Nowadays we all tend to leave our photos on our hard drive, or on CD's. But its awesome to have them as a beautiful hard cover coffee table book!

here is a sample of my proof books...

ANYHO... Ive just been made a GOLD MEMBER...which is very exciting :) Means im a very busy girl :D Now all i need is a great big GOLD STAR for my forehead!!

1 Fabulous Comments!:

Anonymous said...

Wow Clare! Well done!!!!

Just in case you weren't aware :p - I also want to say how FABULOUS the proof books actually are. I have had SO many people comment on how much they love ours (not just the pics of us, but how well presented it is) and how 'times have changed from the good ol' pics in an album'.

Lova ya work!!!