WAPPA's! West Australian Professional Photography Awards - The Results....

| Monday, August 30, 2010

So, im back in the office after a really full on week up in Perth. Its great to spend so much quality time on networking, business seminars, checking out other art, and getting awesome feedback and tips from other professionals.

I did 'ok' at the awards, averaging a score of 81 for each of my folios. At the nationals that would be considered a Silver, but States are awarded a little differently and you need to get over 85 for a distinction. Just something to strive further for next year!

I think the one i was most disappointed in was the Wedding Album category, where you submit an entire album from a wedding. I LOVE this album. LOVE LOVE LOVE it and I really think it encompasses EVERYTHING about me as a photographer. It shows off my love for people, my love for colour, my love for JOY and HAPPINESS and LAUGHTER and the supreme awesomeness that is the weddings i get to be a part of every year.

So I thought id show it off here....

The 'award' albums were not quite so JOYOUS - still amazing images, but im going to keep showing off my fun, happy, colourful weddings - because i love them!

Check out all the winning images here

1 Fabulous Comments!:

Krysta Guille Photography said...

Well done Clare - I loved your album (probably because I did a gorgeous job of showcasing Albany!) the honeymoon shots were stunning too!
Krysta Guille