Cindy and Mark, Pre-Wedding Portrait

| Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The best thing about holding a pre-wedding portrait is it helps to make people more comfortable with the camera, with me, and dispelling the rumour that having your photo taken is quite scary and unnatural. I totally get that because i HATE having my photo taken, so I like to make it as easy as possible. I try and get people to have a laugh, either at each other, at my lovely assistant John...and if all else me. I'm a pretty laughable human being at times!!

Cindy and Mark are totally adorable. They are so obviously in love and its very sweet to see. Their wedding is being held up in Perth on a Friday in November. They came all the way down to Bunbury for their shoot! I'm most impressed at their dedication to my art :D

The only bad thing about this portrait shoot is we all go eaten alive my mozzies!! I need to pack some aeroguard into my backpack.....

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