To Change or Not To Change....

| Monday, November 30, 2009

As most of you know I got married last year to my AWESOME JB - who alot of you know as my 'carrier of Heavy Things" and general Jack of All Trades at our wedding shoots.

So technically this means im actually Clare Silvestro - not Clare Day anymore!! Ive been putting off changing my name because I thought it would be just too dang confusing with the business etc....but times they are a changin....I dont feel like I fit with Clare Day anymore as im not just ME anymore!

So I wanted to put it out to cyberland and facebookville, and see what the masses thought. Should I keep Clare Day Photographic Design, or change to something new and exciting and be Clare Silvestro from 'BLA BLA Studios' or 'BLA BLA Photography'?? And WHAT should the BLA BLA actually BE??????

Its a perfect time as be just bought an awesome new Subaru Forester that will soon be emblazoned with our studio name - but what should that BE?????


aww decisions decisions... far too hard for 8am.

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