As most of you know I got married last year to my AWESOME JB - who alot of you know as my 'carrier of Heavy Things" and general Jack of All Trades at our wedding shoots.
So technically this means im actually Clare Silvestro - not Clare Day anymore!! Ive been putting off changing my name because I thought it would be just too dang confusing with the business etc....but times they are a changin....I dont feel like I fit with Clare Day anymore as im not just ME anymore!
So I wanted to put it out to cyberland and facebookville, and see what the masses thought. Should I keep Clare Day Photographic Design, or change to something new and exciting and be Clare Silvestro from 'BLA BLA Studios' or 'BLA BLA Photography'?? And WHAT should the BLA BLA actually BE??????
Its a perfect time as be just bought an awesome new Subaru Forester that will soon be emblazoned with our studio name - but what should that BE?????
aww decisions decisions... far too hard for 8am.
To Change or Not To Change....
Rebecca and Luke 14th November 2009
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon at the most GLORIOUS venue I've yet to photograph at, with two absolutely gorgeous individuals, who were childhood sweethearts, and one super fun bridal party. Days like this make me go WOOHOO!
Ceremony - Alverstoke in Brunswick
Ceremony Decorations - Creations Unlimited
Locations - Alverstoke and Australind estury
Reception - Bunbury Golf Club
Hair and Makeup - Hair on Wellington
Florist - Australind Florist
We stated the day visiting Luke and his boys chilling out in front of the cricket! Then to the fast paced preperations of the ladies, all looking fab in their matching robes and being primpped and beautified byu the lovely ladies from Hair on Wellington. Bec's sparkles and jewels and shoes (oh my!) were all fabulous and I had much fun playing around with the Bridesmaid Boxes that were given to the girls.
Off to Alverstoke for the ceremony!! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! Seriously Im going to be selling my first born to pay for it if it ever comes up for sale. Its an old turn of the century farm, all laid out with the old scholhouse, stables and farmstead, just as it was 100 years ago. The roses are to die for too!
We stayed for some photofun....
And then off to the Australind Estuary for some more!
Sunset found us at the golf club - Hole 10 has an AWESOME view!
The reception had been styles by Rebecca herself! It looked amazing :)
Thanks so much for a wonderful afternoon!!!!!!!!! Slideshowy goodness coming up!
Fabulous Comments!
Bunbury Golf Club,
Sam and Stuart, 13th November 2009
This was an awesome wedding!! Seriously, what could be better than boys in KILTS!
Preparations - Bunker Bay Resort
Makeup - Jen Thomas 0412 442 439
Ceremony - Dunsborough Cottages
Celebrant - Bruce Eagles - Mission Australia
Locations - Meelup Beach and Wise Winery
Reception - Relish
I got to spend the day with the lovely Amanda from White Tulip Photography who tagged along for the day. Its fun shooting with another photographer as you get new ideas and check out how others do stuff. Its lucky that our styles work quite well together!
Bunker bay is an awesome spot for not only pre wedding preparations, but also just for a couple of days RnR. Its just so freekin nice there! (and has HUGE rooms - gotta love that)
Awesome photo by Amanda
We met up with Stu, looking incredibly dashing in his family tartan at Dunsborough Cottages.
The ceremony was beautiful and very heartfelt. Sam was walked down the aisle by her Mum and Brother, it was officiated by one of Sam's work colleges form Mission Australia, and they read their own vows. and once again...I cried....
We headed down to Meelup Beach for photos... Sam looked amazing! She could work that 'Frooping' with the best of them!
and Wise Winery...
Amanda's View
I love how Sam's bridesmaids had different coloured dresses. We kept calling them "The Wiggle Girls"
Seriously - HOW cool are these boys!! They all had their own individual family tartans.
The best thing about 2 shooters is you get 2 point of views!
Amanda's View
My View
and finally to Relish for the reception. - Check out all the fun in the slideshow.
Thanks guys so much! It was the first wedding I've been to where the boys showed more leg than the ladies!! ;)
Rowena and Bryce, 7th November 2009
A little rain never hurts my spirits!! While it may have been a tad soggy last Saturday, it was a lovely day for a garden wedding!
Ceremony and Reception - Rowena's parents property, Australind
Hair and Makeup - For Weddings and a Party Kirstie Bower
Flowers - Florist Gump
Celebrant - Vanessa Pyett
We started the day visiting Bryce and Rowena at their respective getting ready spots - was all calm and serene! I like a Wedding Day that's laid back and casual :)
Rowena's mum had put so much effort into the gardens for the ceremony and a huge marquee was set up for the reception. It was a real family affair, with Rowena's sisters gracing the bridesmaids and her step dad was a groomsman. Pretty cool!
The rain was kind to us, only showering after the ceremony and before the bridal party session - even if it did make the grass a little damp...
Crazy bunch of people :) Love it!!
The light was so awesome down by the estuary we just had to stop for 5 mins on the way back....
What a fantastic wedding - thank you so much for having us share your day with you both!
Now for more fun in the slideshow!!!
Fabulous Comments!