Ive been inspired by a number of other photographers around the world to give something back to the community that has given so much to me. Ive been so blessed over the past 3 years, going from a point where i didn't really want to go on, to a point where I'm now married to the most Fabulous man in the universe (yes sorry ladies...I have him)I have a Fabulous Career with Fabulous couples, who have Fabulous Weddings every weekend, I am building my very first Fabulous home with my Fabulous Husband, that will have a Fabulous Client Room to see my Fabulous Clients IN, I don't really want for anything (except maybe a snazzy Canon 1Ds mk3....anyone got a spare $13K?)and i count my blessings every single day.
SO!!! To rejoice in all this Fabulousness, I'm giving away a Photoshoot!
The winner will receive up to 2 hours of shooting time, a online viewing gallery of edited images, and a CD of 5 fully edited images ready for printing.
Your session could be an Engagement Shoot, a Family Portrait Shoot, a Maternity or Newborn Shoot, or even a Trash-The-Dress session!
What do you have to do???
Just leave a comment, or send me an email if you prefer, telling me why YOU feel blessed at this time of year.
My Fabulous Husband and I will judge the best 3 responses, and then we will leave it to everyone else to choose a winner! Don't forget to leave your name and email address so I can contact the winners.

SO!!! To rejoice in all this Fabulousness, I'm giving away a Photoshoot!
The winner will receive up to 2 hours of shooting time, a online viewing gallery of edited images, and a CD of 5 fully edited images ready for printing.
Your session could be an Engagement Shoot, a Family Portrait Shoot, a Maternity or Newborn Shoot, or even a Trash-The-Dress session!
What do you have to do???
Just leave a comment, or send me an email if you prefer, telling me why YOU feel blessed at this time of year.
My Fabulous Husband and I will judge the best 3 responses, and then we will leave it to everyone else to choose a winner! Don't forget to leave your name and email address so I can contact the winners.
Conditions of Entry
- Comments and Email responses must be made by Wednesday 17th of December. Finalists will be chosen and poll will commence on Thursday 18th of December. Poll will be finalised on the 24th of December and winner notified.
- The top 3 responses will be chosen at OUR discretion, and no correspondence will be entered into. Winner will be chosen by a Poll run though www.polldaddy.com and will be taken as gospel, and again, no correspondence will be entered into.
- The photoshoot will be held within a ~40km radius of our studio (this encompasses Bunbury, Busselton, Donnybrook and various places in between) This means people further afield will have to travel to this area for the photoshoot.
- It will be held during the week (as all my weekends are taken up with weddings)but of course with Daylight Savings (bane of my existence) we can hold the shoot up until 7.30pm, so its fine for those who work 9-5!
- The shoot will be held at a mutually agreed on time, and can not be postponed or rescheduled unless agreed on by both parties.
- There has to be a minimum of 1 person (obviously) up to a maximum of 5 (ie 2 parents, 3 kids, or 5 mates) Pets count as a person too!
- Session will be a minimum of 45 mins to a maximum of 2 hours.
- The shoot can be a Family Portrait, an Engagement shoot, a Just-For-Fun shoot, a Trash the Dress shoot....whatever takes your fancy. Session can not be a Wedding Day Shoot.
- The Online Proof Gallery will be available within 2 weeks form the shoot date. 5 images must be chosen by the winner, and will be available in fully edited form on CD within 4 weeks from choosing date.
- Extra images or prints may be ordered, but will be at the winners expense, at current studio prices.
- Please remember this is a fun and happy competition, and Santa doesn't visit girls and boys who cheat or cast fraudulent votes!
10 Fabulous Comments!:
What a wonderful idea Clare.
Why I feel blessed?
After 4 years of being a single mum, with my gorgeous son Kieran, I finally met a man on the net just over 2 years ago, and our lives changed since then. He provided me with my dream of a family for my son, where he gets treated like he is his own, the dream of a house, and the dream of my beautiful daughter, who has bought my family together. So I feel truly blessed that I have everything I ever dreamed of!
Julia Spice
I am Truly blessed because:
I married the man of my dreams last year and we have spent 8 wonderful years together and that "first met" feeling and butterflies haven`t faded. We are very lucky to be welcoming a new addition to our family in May next year. We have a very loving and supportive (and very excited ) family surrounding us and for this we must be blessed! We would love and appreciate the opportunity to have a newborn photo shoot with you!-Truly a blessing!
Why I feel blessed?
I feel blessed as i have my wedding in 1 month to the man of my dreams, we have been together 7 years and you could say we are high school sweet hearts. And to top this all off we are expecting our first baby in June.
I have all the support and love from both our families and i wouldn’t want anything else in the world.
I agree with Julia, what a fantastic idea Clare :)
I am not only blessed because of the wonderful people I am surrounded with, because I am with my true soul mate, because so many people I know including myself has their health and those who do not are still able to spend Christmas with me, but I am blessed because of all the opportunities I have that so many others do not.
I am blessed to live in a country that if I was ever to lose my job or I could not earn enough money, that there are systems in place so that I don’t live on the streets and that I can access free heath care. I am blessed to live in a country where I don’t have to fear for my life when I step out the door. I am blessed to live in a country where I can own my own home, not wonder if the water I am drinking is potable or if I will eat tomorrow. I am blessed that as a woman, I can work in a male-dominated area, that I don’t need to be wed to have a child, that I can vote, and if I really wanted to (although I wouldn’t as it would be a violation of human rights) I could wear revealing clothes in public without being banished for doing so. I am blessed to be able to access affordable education. I am blessed that my country is not corrupt. I am blessed that my country is starting to consider the environment more seriously. I am blessed that I don’t have to be worried if I will be able to eat tomorrow. I am blessed to be in a financial position to support charities that help those who are not in a position to do so. I am blessed that I have been able to physically volunteer my time to many causes.
I am so happy that I am so blessed. All I want to do is to try my best to share my blessings with those who are not as blessed as me, as it’s a wonderful feeling being blessed and I’m sure anyone else who is feeling blessed wants to share than happiness in any way they can with others too.
I am blessed with life, and relatively good health, family, and faith. I couldn't ask for more! I love your work here on the blog and also on your website.
I feel blessed because I've had a mildly crap year and come out on the other side better than before.
I'm blessed with great friends and family.
I've been blessed by being invited to the 'wedding of the year' and having a blast!
But most imporantly, I feel blessed because I've had the guts to take a giant leap and quit my job to come back to Perth and write a book. It's the least certainty I've had in my life yet it's best I've ever felt.
darn buggers who get to live in australia and enter for this fabulous prize! if i lived over there, i would enter. great idea, Clare.. so sweet of you!
This is a lovely idea Clare - like a fabulous warm fuzzy.
I feel blessed because I was lucky enough to be able to go on a fabulous, amazing, life changing, 2month european holiday with my Brad but I was more blessed to come home and remember why WA is the best place in the world. Great weather, great community, great family and friends, great everything.
On top of that I now get to plan my wedding to my best friend. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with the person who is my everything... my family, my best friend, my lover, my confidant and my equal.
I am truly blessed.
Plus - I really love my dogs and cat, Chief, Buddy and Kia - I feel blessed to have them in my life.
I feel blessed because after having cervical cancer and being told i may not get pregnant again I managed to fall pregnant. Then I got ill while pregnant and ended up going into premature labour and delivered a perfectly healthy boy who breathed and ate on his own.After a few minor health scares and trips back to hospital we were able to come home and a minor operation for me and I was fine too.
I then found out from my surgeon that i had had 70% chance of having a stillbirth or birth defects due to being ill while carrying him but my little miracle baby came out perfect and has made our family complete.
What a Fabulous idea Clare!
I feel blessed to be able to be married to my soul mate for the last 2 months, but in that two months ive almost lost my brother, had my mother hospitalised and almost died, my husband lose his job and my dad get retrenched after working at the same place for the last 15 years so at this time of year i feel blessed to be able to still have my wonderful new family and the support of family and friends. Even though at this moment we have hardly anything but i am blessed to at least have a family. It would be truly a blessing to have a photo shoot with my mum and dad and my husband as it may be our last chance.
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