Well...to be more precise...WEDDING PRESENTS!!
We went and did our Myer Gift Registry about 3 months ago, before the invites went out...and it was so much fun running around Myer Perth with the scanner machine...BOOP BOOP BOOP!
so now its getting closer to the time, ever couple of days, we are being sent mysterious packages from Myer Gift Registry!!! Its so exciting :D Our back room is getting filled with exciting looking boxes of various shapes and sizes... and we are being good little girls and boys and not peaking!!

We went and did our Myer Gift Registry about 3 months ago, before the invites went out...and it was so much fun running around Myer Perth with the scanner machine...BOOP BOOP BOOP!
so now its getting closer to the time, ever couple of days, we are being sent mysterious packages from Myer Gift Registry!!! Its so exciting :D Our back room is getting filled with exciting looking boxes of various shapes and sizes... and we are being good little girls and boys and not peaking!!
4 Fabulous Comments!:
Hi Clare,
I got the photos today, thankyou so much for your gift you didn't need to. I recommend you to everyone I know because your the best and we love you.
Good luck on your big day and I hope you have as much fun as we did. Cant wait to see some pics.
Liz & Kerry
How fun! I love packages in the mail, and wedding presents are even more fun!
hi clare...there is no way in this world i would be able to leave them in a room - unopened - you have strength girl!
How exciting for you Clare! I don't know how you have not accidentally on purpose ripped these open!
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