Pinch and a Punch!! Friday the 1st saw me toddle down to Busselton and Yallingup for Bry and Jon's wedding.
Bridal Party Preparations : Geographe Bayview Resort
Ceremony : Caves House, Yallingup
Celebrant : Jennifer Etherington
Reception: The Goose, Busselton
Locations: Shelly Beach, Wise Winery and Busselton Foreshore

Loooove her shoes :)

I love it when all the girls are putting on The Dress...some dresses take up to 4 people to help put them on! I try not to set up photos at any time,
particularly not in the
pre shots, as everyone is tense and hyper enough without me directing every 5 seconds, so I just capture exactly what happens.

The emotion during their ceremony was so high.
Bry could barely hold in the tears walking towards her hunky hubby, and even John had 'sparkly' eyes. even
I'M having sparkly eyes
remembering it!!! as we all know
I'm a great BIG WUSS!

Caves House is amazing, the architecture is just
spectacular and i had to shoot on the staircase, as it just screams romance and

Shelly Beach is one pretty amazing place. The sheer rock wall at the west end of the beach creates some spectacular backgrounds, and the joy of it all is its
almost always in shade!!
WOOHOO! Shade is our friend ladies and gents, we love shade.
It does have a fairly large population of flies at this beach, so make sure you pack the

Cant go wrong with the
Busselton Jetty

Or with The Goose....
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