I totally LOVE this couple, so easy going, so lovely and Holly is just totally beautiful, and also a fellow Photographer! The great thing about her is she just let me do whatever I wanted, Didn't stress out about what the photos would be like and just went with the flow.

They got married at the Busselton Tennis Club, and we went to the Ludlow Tuart Forrest for photos. The Lilly's were out and looked amazing...but so were the dreaded MOZZIES!! This poor couple had to stand still long enough to have a few photos taken and right afterwards were jumping up and down trying to get rid of the little buggers!

Their reception was held at The Goose, and even though there was no sunset we still captured some fantastic shots down by the beach. I love to take my clients suggestiong into thought. Im not a dictating photog, and this shot was actually suggested by Hollys Bridesmaid!
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