Shantelle and Craig met up with me one overcast afternoon to finalise their plans and do their pre wedding session. They didnt really have anywhere special in mind, so were happy to have me recommend somewhere for photos.
Id been driving past this field every day for the past 6 months, and every day id go...I should go take photos there" and finally i could!!! Its just a field of grass on the side of the road, but its pretty awesome if you ask me :)
Craig said to me "Hate having my photo taken...HATE IT" I reckon not only have i proved its not that bad, i think he kinda liked it :)
Shantelle and Craig Engagement Session
1 Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait
Laura and Nick, Engagement Session
I love shooting in Fremantle - seriously one of my favorite spots. If we were ever to move back to the Big City, it would have to be close to here (or maybe in the hills...)
I hadnt met Laura and Nick yet, they booked me over the internet, so it was lovely to get together and get to know each other a little.
They told me a little of their Love Story, how they met in Freo when they were both working there, Laura as an engineer, and Nick with his Book Shop at the EShed Markets and studying at Notre Dame, so we incorporated all that into their shoot!
I have a THING for shoes at the moment....
Laura was a little nervous, but how GORGEOUS and AWESOME is she?? Model material for sure :D
Thanks for a really enjoyable afternoon wandering the streets of Freo - you guys are awesome :)
Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait
Office closed for a week.... because...We are off to BALI!!!
Off on our yearly Holiday....BALI!
I must be one of the only Aussies not to have been yet, so im really looking forward to it :D
And just to make you ALL super jealous - this is where we are staying....
Chrystel and Nick, Engagement Session
I met up with Chrystel and Nick in Collie, to do a location check for their upcoming wedding next month. I always like to check where im shooting if I haven't been there before. Im glad i followed them or id have gotten quite lost!!
Seriously, HOW cute are they???
These are taken at the most awesome property ever just east of Collie, in the locality of Cardiff. The owners of this property built it themselves out of reclaimed bricks and windows from an old church. And it really shows.
I am SO in love with this property!! Wonder if I can buy it with stamps....
Nick wanted a couple of photos with his 'other' girlfriend - his Car....sigh... ;)
Cant wait for the wedding guys, its going to be such fun :D
Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait
September Print and Canvas Sale!
Emma and Mike, 14th August 2010
The Winter Wedding of Emma and Mike seriously couldn't have been much more beautiful. These are two of my most favorite clients ever, and I had been looking forward to this day for AGES.
Ceremony - St Georges Cathedral Perth
Transport - awesome old Jags - so fab!
Locations - Government House Gardens
Reception - Table 78 Restaurant, West Perth
We met up with the fellas in Peppie Grove, and thought they looked rather swishy :) Morning Suits and surprise watches and other awesome details followed...
Emma has such beautiful quirky style. She was brave enough to do her own makeup on the day and looked so so beautiful.
I love her special little touches - brought real personality to the day!
HOW awesome is this car!!!!!!!
This was my first wedding at St Georges (the most beautiful church in Perth by FAR) and i have to say I was quite nervous, but HELLO this church is seriously spectacular. I love my 5D2 for allowing such awesome shots in such a dark mysterious church.
Off over the road to the Governors Gardens, feeling a little like an English Country Manor, rather than being in the middle of the capital city!
Boys will be boys, even when they are supposed to be all posh!
Love the colours here
The reception was an awesome place in West Perth, Table 78 Restaurant. LOVED the wallpaper!
I cant thank you two enough for choosing us to be a part of your Wedding and your Love Story. There is even more to come soon so keep an eye out over the next few weeks!