Well it looks like its FINALLY finished!!! What has taken twice as long as we were originally quoted (and still isn't finished quite the way I wanted....)Is now OURS!!! (and the banks, but lets not be too pedantic about things!)
For those who are my Facebook friends, you would have noticed the progression, and problems, of JB and my very first home. But tomorrow we FINALLY get the keys to OUR HOUSE!!!!
Here is a little audio visual display for you to enjoy :) What started as a "Do you think we can??" has (18months later) turned into a "SURE CAN!!!"
Now we only have to organise the landscaping, fencing, back yard, painting, decorating, sheds, clothesline......... :) So for all my gorgeous clients who come and visit us in the next few months, I hope you understand our little "Work In Progress"!
Also means we may be incommunicado for a few days as we move and get things connected properly. So all urgent messages should be directed to my Mobile!
YAY!! Packing time!!
Our House.....in the middle of Our Street
Olivia and Hendy, Pre Wedding Engagement Session
I'm so impressed at how Olivia and Hendy braved the wild weather last Friday. It was a little...windy...to say the least, but we bravely ventured out for some beautiful portraits of the two of them and got to know each other a little better.
Engagement Portrait sessions are a fantastic way to realise how easy it is to have your photo taken. I completely understand it being a weird feeling to have a massive camera stuck in your face, having experienced the exact same thing last year for our engagement session with Pixels, but it so helps to ease people into being the center of attention on their wedding day!
I try to make it as easy and stress free as possible during your portrait session and capture the true relationship between our couples, and the way I do that is to get you to focus on each other not on me (because I'm boring and nowhere near as cute as your fiance!!)
The light on Friday was amazing! Overcast days do make for the most stunning light and storm clouds are AWESOME.
We braved the beach for a quick few shots...it was COLD and WINDY and we had to make sure we didnt get run over by a motorbike rider too! the things we do for art :)
Awwww how cute are these two???
Cant wait till October! It's going to be a fantastic Boho-chic day full of awesomeness I can just feel it!
Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait
Carroll Family
Regular readers may remember the totally adorable Cruz from a few months ago. Well now he is a chubby cheeked 6 month old and still completely adorable! This time we captured Dad too!
Now someone tells me he is a smiley little thing. I think my camera scared him a smidge, but we did manage to get a few little 'almost' grins :)
Hands taste GOOD!
A quick walk down the road for some at the park. The day before was horrible horrible weather down here in Bunbury, but today was just beautiful.
What a Beautiful Family you all make!
And one of Peta and Trev...just for good luck ;)
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Jess and Brad's Pre-Wedding Engagement Session
A chilly windy afternoon found my down at Prevelly Beach in Margaret River to see the Vivacious Jess and the ever so cute Bradley! I have been really looking forward to this wedding for AGES as I just love Jess's total gorgeousness, and the wedding is going to be a super fun day.
Looks a tad chilly doesn't it! Have to LOVE winter woollies.
I didn't even initiate this one...all I said was "go for a little walk down the beach for me" Jess is lucky she didn't get completely soaked!
The sky and water looked amazing with the stormy clouds overhead.
a quick stop at the Info bay on Caves Rd!
Love you two...cant wait till October! Seriously...I have THE BEST clients ever! (especially with people who love Harry Potter as much as I do!)
Nichole's having a Baby!
Her third little one is due in a few weeks, but seriously, how can a 36 week pregnant lady with 2 young children be THIS gorgeous!!
We included her two older children in the session. I just LOVE how Indi rubs her tummy like a Lucky Buddha. He has nicknamed the new baby "Ember" and talks to her all the time.
We even roped Nichole's husband Martin in for a few :)
Nichole is lucky to live just outside of Donnybrook on a 5 acre bush property, and has THE best back garden, so we played Wood Nymphs!
My Favorite!
Thank you SO much for being so brave, so beautiful and such a wonderful model! Cant wait to meet Baby in a few weeks!!
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Jennifer and Brad, Pre Wedding Engagement Session
What an eventful afternoon!! Jen and Brad are getting married in Dunsborough in October, and as they live in Perth, we hadn't actually met until today. I have to say I totally love Jen, she is the sweetest most loveliest person and is an absolute STUNNER to boot. Brad is a supremely lucky guy.
We met at the gates to Wonnerup Schoolhouse, an area I love to work in as there is such beautiful history and natural landscapes around that small area.
I have shot there a couple of times before without issue, but today we were asked (not so nicely) to vacate the vicinity immediately as we were on private property!! (besides the fact there are no signs saying this) I had no idea, so I apologised PROFUSELY and we skedaddled. Wont be back THERE again in a hurry! Made for an interesting story anyway ;)
In the forest (which ISNT private property....) the light was amazing.
I like to use Engagement sessions to try out new techniques and ideas, as they lend themselves to a little more experimentation before trying them out on the all important wedding days. This is a new technique I'm trying out. What do you think??
Can I just say WHAT A STUNNER!!!!
Then off down to the beach for a little time before sunset. LOVE LOVE LOVE this shot, has to be my current all time favorite.
Thanks so much guys for a lovely afternoon. I cant WAIT till October as your wedding sounds like its going to be amazing.
Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait