Kristi and Pete, 9th May 2009
An absolutely sensational autumn day, Sunny skies, a soft, almost springlike breeze, a completely amazing sunset, and two totally in love individuals made for a supremely wonderful wedding day.
Ceremony - Rod Smith Park, Busselton
Celebrant - Peter Ellson
Videographer - Supernova
Transport - Chevrolet Limousines
Reception - Abbey Beach Resort
I don't think I've ever met a bride quite as calm as Kristi. She was amazingly serene! Her meticulous planning had certainly paid off so she could sit back and REALLY enjoy her day. And can I say...WOW to her shoes!!! I soooo <3 them
After a beautiful ceremony in a local park in Busselton, we headed off for our photo session! We had such fun running around Busselton, showing off the amazing cars from Chev Limos, and playing supermodels.
Again...can I say WOW. What a gorgeous couple..... and how cool do they look here?
Down to the beach for the spectacular sunset, and playing with parasols and fans.
the light was amazing....
Then we headed off to Abbey Beach Resort for the reception, and ballroom looked spectacular as always.
I have to pop in one last image, as i know HOW much Pete is going to love it.....
Thanks so much guys for being so fabulous and a bundle of laughs.
Check out more fun in the slideshow!~
Cass, Digby and Baby makes 3
I consider myself very privileged to be asked to shoot my friends. Especially those whom I like ALOT! Cass and Digby are two very very lovely individuals and will soon be graced with a Baby!! YAY!!
I tell ya...Digby is a very lucky man....How BEAUTIFUL is she??
I love these ones, I think Ruddy was going for gold!!
Baby socks...does it get ANY cuter??
Yes..I think it can! Peanut M&M's anyone?
Thank you for letting me share in such a special time :) bring on September ;)!!!!!
Fabulous Comments!
Jody, Tim and Charlee - Engagement Session!
We were up in Perth last weekend for various reasons, and as Jody and Tim booked me over the net, as allot of my clients do, we took this chance to get together and take some lovely photos of their gorgeous little family!
The weather was superb(very unlike today where its a torrential downpour outside..but thats another story)so we decided on the beach! Cottesloe Civic Center played a nice prelude with its shady green.
I got a resounding GONG on my "Cluck-o-meter" with their totally adorable daughter Charlee. I have never met a happier smilier baby EVER. I tell you if we could guarantee a baby like her id do it in a shot!
The beach we went to was the location of Tim's proposal, so had a very special meaning to them both.
Thanks guys!! Cant wait for Busselton in just a few weeks!! (hope the weather clears up LOL)
1 Fabulous Comments!
Cottesloe Beach,
Cottesloe Civic Centre,
Lizzy and Owen, 2nd May 2009
This wedding holds a special place in my heart :) Not only was it the wedding of two very special people, but I also got to see my my old stomping ground of Bridgetown AND catch up with two of my my past clients too!!! Great day all round.
Ceremony - St Josephs Manjimup
Flowers - Kellie Nelson from Airport Florist in Belmont. Ph: 9277 2870
Reception - Bridgetown Gardens Reception center
Locations - Manjimup Timber Park, Blackwood River, Sunnyhurst Winery, Bridgetown Gardens
We arrived at Lizzy's sisters farm just outside of Manjimup to find a deserted farmyard! UhOh...are we at the right house???? Was all ok, they were just running a smidge late at the hairdressers. We got to play with the new baby cows anyway so all's good!
Preparations went smooth, the details were FANTASTIC and JB and I have now become 'Dora the Explorer' fans. A few gorgeous portraits and we are off to the Church!
The flowers were made by the incredibly talented Kellie Nelson who was not only the florist, but a bridesmaid AND a past bride of mine too!! She still graces my client room with her beauty :)
Owen and his entourage arrives at Manjimup's St Josephs church in his Truck!!! It even had ribbons and tin cans hung off the back. I just LOVE country weddings :) The ceremony was so beautiful and the love and joy in their faces was a pleasure to behold.
Phototime! We started in Manji and then headed off to Bridgetown and the coolness of the Blackwood River. Who would have thought that May would have such hot weather??
Off to the GORGEOUS Sunnyhurst Winery which has some the most gorgeous gardens anywhere, straight out of a Jayne Eyre novel.
And then off to the top of Bridgetown Gardens Estate and sunset! ST-HU-HU-NUHU-NING!!!! (might not be a word...but you get the idea LOL)
The reception was Fan-friggin-tastic. All the details planned by Lizzy were so beautiful and perfect. The food was fantastic, and the love in the room was almost tactile.
Ive split the slideshow into two as I just HAD to show heaps of reception pics. Owen surprised Lizzy with the most amazing speech I've ever heard, and I tell ya, he gives Beyonce a run for her money in the booty shaking stakes!! I swear I had tears running down my face!
Wedding Day Slideshow
Wedding Reception Slideshow
Thanks guys for an absolutely AMAZING day. Hands down best Grooms Speech ive ever witnessed :)