Shanae and Russell Pre Wedding Portrait

| Sunday, June 29, 2008

I met up with the effervescent Shanae and her hunky Hubby-to-Be, Russell, here in Dalyellup last Wednesday afternoon. It was absolutely spectacular afternoon, blue sky's, not too cold... and after a few wild and woolly days it was nice to get out in the sunshine!

The great thing about Dalyellup is we are less than 3 minuets from the Beach and walking distance to all sorts of fabulous lakes and gardens.

We started out on the boardwalk by Dalyellup Lake.




And headed down to the Beach!




Someone is a bit of a scardy-cat LOL


I'm really looking forward to their wedding in November, its being held in Pemberton, One of my favorite towns!


| Friday, June 27, 2008

This is JUST the thing i need for my lovely head cold ive adopted this week. Anything to make it a bit nicer anyway....

or perhaps one of these might be nice.... what do you think???

Week 4 Tally - 7 days to go!

| Monday, June 23, 2008

Well I have to say I'm mighty impressed with Megan and Basil’s HUGE effort this past week! I was away this weekend and came back this morning to a lovely surprise

979 Votes -

1. Megan and Basil – 446!!!! Massive jump from 86 last Monday!

2. Amanda and Adam – 220

3. Helen and Ben – 105

4. Jo and Ben – 68

5. Cindy and Scott – 39

6. Bryanna and Jon – 22

7. Carla and Clayton - 19

We have one week left and, while it may look like a shoe-in for Megan and Basil, their massive one week jump proves anything can happen if you put your mind to it

Thanks again to everyone, Our little Competition has created some fabulous Buzz and I'm so proud of ALL of my couples and how gorgeous you all are.

Week 3 Tally Update

| Monday, June 16, 2008

The current leaders on the tally board are…

  1. Adam and Amanda – 110
  2. Ben and Helen – 89
  3. Megan and Basil – 86 (HUGE jump from last week… 19-86!…well done guys!)
  4. Jo and Ben – 50
  5. Cindy and Scott – 36
  6. Bryanna and Jon – 22
  7. Kirsty and Jason/Treena and Brant – 14

We still have 16 days to go, so make sure you get the Competition Buzz happening and send off the link to all your Family and Friends. The game is still anyone’s…I mean even the Dockers won this weekend so miracles CAN happen :lol:

Prizes are….

1st Prize – Enlargement of your choice – 20”x30” – Valued at $220

2nd Prize – Enlargement of your choice – 12”x18” – Valued at $90

Thanks again, and have a great week!

Ive been Tagged!

| Friday, June 13, 2008

I've been tagged by Amanda Bowler from White Tulip Photography!

Ive been seeing these Blog Tagging games around for a while and so wanted to be tagged...and now I'm part of the Cool Girls Group :D so happy lol

Here are the rules!
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.
3. Tag 5 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are my Faves... ( but I'm not embarrassed to admit my taste in music is extremely bad by most standards....)

Step by Step - New Kids on The Block...

Yes its probably one of the most embarrassing songs out there but i just LOVE the happiness of it.... I was never really into NKOTB when I was at school, I was much more of a Nirvana and The Church kindof girl, but as I've mellowed in my old age, I prefer happy music over 'I want to sit in a dark room and wear all black' kind of music.

oops I did it again - Britney Spears

again its kinda happy and bouncy, even though its technically a break up song...and you have to LOVE that red jumpsuit in the video clip :)

Candyman and Aint no other Man - Christina Aguleria

again, happy and bouncy and i LOVE LOVE LOVE the video clips because she looks amazing and the whole 40's ear thing she has going at the moment rocks big time :D

Almost anything by The Spice Girls

You have to admit...they are very cool LOL

ANYTHING recorded in the 80's

I LOVE LOVE LOVE 80's music, mainly because its always so upbeat and bouncy and happy! even when its a depressing kinda theme to the song it STILL sounds happy, as apposed to 90's music which was all depressing and 00's music which is all full of hate. The 80's ROCKS!

I'm tagging.....

James Day (because he is currently my hero...not only having the same last name as me, but because he got to meet Becker, Jessica Claire and Jasmine Star! Lucky Bugger)

Christine at Epicc Photography (because i think her work is beooootiful)

Janine @ Figments Photography (my old housemate!!)

My best friend (and Bridesmaid!) Nichole @ Drawing Words (not a photography blog, But who said it all had to be about photography?? She makes the most fabulous Arty stuff)

And the Fab Two @ Pixel Magix...because they are the beststsest people i know in the photog field

| Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This has to be the best wedding site out there! I nearly wet my pants with some of them... Bridezilla's eat your heart out!

PS...its all in good humour everyone :D

Week 2 Tally!

| Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 2 Tally is as follows….Looks like 2 of our couples have A LOT of friends!

286 Votes
  • 1. Helen and Ben – 69 – New Leaders!
  • 2. Amanda and Adam – 61
  • 3. Jo and Ben – 33
  • 4. Cindy and Scott – 32
  • 5. Bryanna and Jon/Megan and Basil – 19
  • 6. Kirsty and Jason – 13
  • 7. Treena and Brant – 10

23 Days left to vote, so keep them coming :) send the link to everyone and anyone to create a ‘Posse’

Just remember, the images chosen are simply a teeny tiny representation of the wonderful images from each wedding. If you want to have a look at more, click on the couples name to see more from the main Blog page.

And thank you to everyone who has embraced the fun and excitement of our friendly little competition so quickly.

Happy Monday everyone

Amanda, Kent and Lauren - Pre Wedding Portrait - 31st May 2008

| Thursday, June 5, 2008

A sunny afternoon in Kings Park over a long weekend...can you think of a better way to spend the day?

Amanda, Kent and their daughter Lauren met Myself and John in Kings Park for their Pre Wedding Portrait. Amanda used to work with John at GWN here in Bunbury, but I hadn't met them before this time so it was lovely to spend some time with them and get to know them all before their big day in July.

We started off in the Pines next to Frasier's, and then wandered up to the Art Wall behind 'Aspects of Kings Park' Looking GOOOOD!







Kent's Daughter Lauren is a TOTAL sweatheart :) She is going to be flowergirl at the wedding and i reckon makes a really good little assistant! She kept John in line anyhow.




I think they make a pretty good looking Family :D


Tally after the Weekend!

| Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hope we all had a lovely Long weekend...I know i certainly did!

Current tally for the Wedding Of The Year is as follows...

110 votes...

Amanda and Adam - 40
Jo and Ben - 22
Bryanna and Jon - 10
Kirsty and Jason - 9
Cindy and Scott - 8
Ben and Helen - 7
Treena and Brant - 5

Come on peoples!! Don't let your favorites go by the wayside!!