Nic and Sarah, 24th November 2007
A quick dash from Perth down to Dunsborough and Brookland Winery for the nuptials for Nic and Sarah! I must say i really do have the best people as my clients. I'm so very very lucky to get to work with some fabulous people.The ceremony was held over looking the Dam at Brookland Winery and Flutes restaurant. Again, a very hot day, but Sarah was cool calm and collected in her wonderful dress... such beautiful lacework!
Oh and Nic looked ok too lolWe only ha d short time for photos so made the most of the bushland nearby. I hope people didn't get too eaten alive by mozzies! and the flies!! My word! But hey everyone looks sensational.

1 Fabulous Comments!
Brookland Winery,
Margaret River,
Cindy and Mark, 23rd November 2007
Another Perth wedding! I try not to book many Perth weddings due to the travel, but sometimes a couple just call out to me and I have to do their wedding because they are just so lovely.
Cindy is soooooooooooooooooooooooo gorgeous... and her dress was to die for! so simple and elegant and different! Loved it.Her parents house in Applecross is rather yummy, and has a great staircase that just yelled out for photos.
The ceremony was at Heathcote, and while it was a VERY hot day (about 39 degrees i think it got to) there was a lovely breeze on the hill, and of course a wonderful view!
UWA was the place for photos. Cindy works there and everyone ca,e and had a little stickybeak at them while they had their photos done.

Fabulous Comments!
Blue Boat Shed,
Old Brewrey,
Tammie and Jamie, 17th November 2007
A Beautiful day for a beautiful Bride! Tammy and Jamie are two of my favorite people, and it was such a privilege to be a part of their day. The wedding was held in a park in Dalyelup (less than a km from my house...luxury!!) and the reception at Dalyellup Community Centre. Tammy and her girls got ready at Clifton House, a beautiful old hotel in Bunbury.Totally adorable Flower girls!! Tayla, Tammy's daughter and her cousin made for beautiful little angels.

Tammy had a little adventure in the bush (and got ants up her dress!!) and while recovering...managed to spill her drink! I don't think she got her dress but the look on her face is priceless...

1 Fabulous Comments!
MY Wedding!! 27th Septmeber 2008
YUS! I'm getting married next year to my wonderful fiance (and trusty assistant) John! He is such a wonderful man and I feel so blessed to have him in my life. The planning of our 'extravaganza' is a bit stop and start, depending o how busy I am at the time! We are getting married in Donnybrook, which is where my folks live. I have my dress, and a Marquee, and even a caterer! Its just so exciting, that after ALLLLL the brides Ive helped to enjoy their day I get to have one of my own!
I even have a photographer!! WOOHOO! Now THAT was a difficult decision as there are so many fabulous photographers out there, but I have gone with a fellow Bunbury Photography Company, Pixel Magix. Mike and Kylie and definitely some of the most lovely people Ive ever met and I'm so happy they are being a part of our big day. Having a good rapport is such an important factor in choosing your photographer. It makes such a HUGE difference and you actually enjoy the day AND your photos so much more.For those girls wanting a little helping hand in their planning...definately go check out Lifting The Veil. Its an online Forum for helping you to plan your wedding easier. The girls on there are a wealth of knowlege and soooooooooo wonderful and a laugh a minuite (especially Jaynie-poo)
Come on people.... I'm sure you all have a few opinions out there! Id love to hear your comments on my work, that's the only way we grow as human beings and as artists! Even if its to tell me I suck (well I'd prefer you didn't obviously...) or to tell me I'm the best thing since sliced bread (that's more like it I hear you all say!) I would love to hear from you.
Belinda and Daniel, PWP, 11th November 2007
We met up in Femantle, outside the old Maritime Museum. The best thing about Freo is the amazing Architecture they have! Its just so classic and beautiful! They are having their wedding in Dunsborough at the end of December.They brought along Daniels niece...so she became my little assistant for the afternoon, and I took a couple of photos of her too. Such a cutie pie!
Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait
Stacey and Mark, PWP, 11th November 2007
As I was already in Perth for Kelly and Richard's wedding, i organised to meet up with Stacey and Mark for they PWP. They are getting married in Pemberton in the new year. We met in Kings Park for their shoot.I have to say... HOW gorgeous is Stacey!! Total natural beauty. Lucky man Mark!
Fabulous Comments!
Kings Park,
Pre Wedding Portrait