This was one of the easiest weddings Ive ever had the privilege to be a part of! Kyah and Chris were so easy going, so happy to be getting married and didn't even worry when their Bridal Party got lost during the photo shoot!
I must admit, its easy to shoot when your working with someone as gorgeous as Kyah....
Kyah and Chris, 18th August 2007
Fabulous Comments!
Back Beach,
Old House,
Sanctuary Golf Resort,
Amber and Phillip, 11th August 2007
What a wonderful day for a wedding! Yes, it may have been a bit rainy at times, but as you can see, it certainly made for some amazing images! The ceremony had a few cute little hitches. Phillip dropped Amber's ring, and Amber had a little bit of trouble getting Phillip's to fit! But their Flower girl stole the show, she was a total angel.

The Bridal party, consisting of Amber's sisters and their close friends, traveled to Castle Rock Beach for the shoot. It was rained out for 30 min's or so, and while Amber took cover in the car, the rest of the Bridal Party took cover under umbrellas, braving the light shower.
Megan, Basil and Ryan
Megan and Basil are such a lovely couple. They are getting married in September. We met on a wet and rainy day at the end of July to shoot their Pre Wedding Portrait. Don't be scared of rain during a photo shoot. Sometimes it can be fabulous! Clouds create a wonderful natural diffuser and the light becomes nice and soft. Pouring rain isn't great of course, but even that can be fun if you have an umbrella and a waterproof camera :D
Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait,
Kyah and Chris, Pre Wedding Portrait
Ahhhh, Young Love... such a wonderful thing! Kyah and Chris planned their wedding in only 3 months (well done!!) and had their pre wedding portrait only 2 weeks before their wedding.
Fabulous Comments!
Old House,
Pre Wedding Portrait
Amber and Phillip Pre Wedding Portrait
Amber and Phillip were so cute, all nervous and unsure. At the end of the shoot we were laughing and having a ball! Their wedding is being held in Busselton and Dunsborough in August.
Fabulous Comments!
Kings Park,
Pre Wedding Portrait