Hi All...
Ive condensed my blog into my webpage - so its all in one place! This Blog will no longer be updated, so make your way over to our Website - www.clareday.com.au and reset your RSS and google reader feeds!
New Blog
Family Portrait Session
I absolutely LOVE big family sessions. They are such fun! Especially when everyone gets along and you know there is massive amounts of love all around. This session was to celebrate Granddad's 70th Birthday and the whole family went to Busselton for the week, from all over Australia.
Seriously AWESOME bunch of kids. For the record all kiddies are awesome but these guys were all particularity fantastic.
We are having a Christmas Portrait Special during the month of October, all ready for awesome Christmas gifts and other such awesome things. Just give us a bell for further info!
1 Fabulous Comments!
Emma and Kris, Engagement Session
Down to Busselton one afternoon to meet up with the lovley Kris and Emma. Kris was a past grooms man of mine, Shanae and Russel back in '08, so he kinda knew what he was in for!
I loved how they barely stopped laughing the whole time :D
Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait
Its Christmas Time again... Portrait Special!
10 weeks till Christmas... AGH!! Seriously, it seem like it was only yesterday I was doing LAST year's Christmas Special!
It can be with your family...
With your special someone...
The new addition...
Your Fur-Baby
or just yourself!!
Lauren and Brad, Engagement Session
A Lovely Afternoon with Lauren and Brad - we went in search of spring wildflowers! didn't find many but had fun trying!
Fabulous Comments!
Pre Wedding Portrait